1. Liquid Gold - aka Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is EVERYTHING! It really is. There's probably nothing out there that could possibly compare to coconut oil. As far as 'beauty' is concerned, coconut oil can be used for anything and everything. Below are my favorite ways of incorporating coconut oil in my beauty routine.
As a Moisturizer
My favorite way to use coconut oil is as a moisturizer every night before bed ( or at least TRY to). It's pretty simple. Take a small cotton swab, dip it in some oil and massage it all over your face and neck for a minute or two and basically, just go to sleep like that! If you don't like to sleep all oily, you can gently wash off any excess oil. Coconut oil has a ton of anti aging properties and will make your skin brighter, clearer and FLAWLESS!
The BEST Makeup Remover EVER!
We all know how frustrating it is to remove dark eye make up or a dark lipstick, especially the matte ones! The best way to do so is using coconut oil and a cotton pad. It's extremely gentle on your skin and will remove ANY make up instantly. Works wonders! There's obviously no chemicals so it's probably the safest thing out there that you could use to remove eye makeup.
All over the Body!!
Use it all over the body and you'll be left with the smoothest and silkiest skin ever!! You could do this as many times a week, even daily, just before you get in the shower. Basically just massage the oil all over your body from head to toe , leave it for about 30mins-1 hour and wash it off. Results are amazing!
2. DIY Body Scrub
It is SO SO important that you use not just a face scrub, but a body scrub as well in order to remove any dead skin. You can use this super easy body scrub couple of times a week for best results. It's very easy to make and can be stored for quite some time as well. Trust me, it works wonders!
3. Take your Vitamins & Drink Water!
I know everyone has heard about this a million times but this is so important! It doesn't matter what you apply on your skin, if you don't take vitamins, eat healthy and drink water, your skin will never ever be healthy and you will most definitely age a lot faster. Vit E (for skin & hair), Biotin ( for skin & nails) etc are super important and should definitely be a part of one's everyday life.
You should also drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, which is really not that much if you always carry around a small bottle. Also be sure to include lots of fruits (Pineapple, Strawberries etc are great) and veggies in your diet.
4. Grow 1-2+ Inches of Hair in ONE Week! - Inversion Method.
Not sure if many of you guys have heard about this but this method is something that definitely works! Basically what you have to do is massage an oil of your choice onto the scalp and lower your head down to your feet( preferably while seated) and massage for 5-10 minutes.
Do this every single day for a week - nothing less or more. You can do this once a month (for a period of seven days only). I tried this out once and grew approx 2 inches - which is quite a lot for me!
Don't attempt this method if you have high/low pressure, if you feel dizzy , if you're pregnant etc...
5. Shave Your Face Ladies!!!
So I purposely left the crazy one for the last! Yup, you read it right - SHAVE your face. Yes, shave it. Now don't get turned off by the thought of shaving your face. What pops into anyone's mind is ''Omg it's going to grow back thicker''. Actually, it's not quite the case, at least not for most people. A lot of women out there shave their faces on a daily basis as a part of their beauty routine. It's completely normal to do it, so don't get turned off. As opposed to other methods of facial hair removing such as waxing,threading - which are very harsh on the skin, shaving is actually really good for the skin! Not only does it remove your hair ( without any pain !!!!!) it also removes dead skin therefore acting as an anti aging treatment as well.
Ever wonder how some people have their make up appear SO smooth and flawless? Chances are they probably shave their face! Trust me, it really will look flawless!
Over a period of time, I've noticed that the hair grew slower and thinner, which was quite surprising.
So go ahead, grab a razor and try it out! If you're a beginner or if you are worried about how it's going to turn out, you can start with one of those eyebrow razors (pictured) which most women out there use to remove facial hair.
As crazy as it sounds, this really did change my life! Just do it!!